SEX Book

SEX Book



226 pages - 8×10” - Hardbound with Gold Foil and Debossing on Pink Leather

Over 69 tattoo artists contributed to this obnoxiously over-the-top collection of erotic and titillating art.

The book is currently in production and we expect it in and shipping by spring.
Only 1000 copies were printed of this release.
This is a presale offering, secure your copy today!

Contributing artists include:

Pia Alexandra, Yanina Alexandra, Holly Ashby, Christopher Ayalin, Sarah Baldwin, Jodie Beechem, Eno BigTrouble, Zac Blevins, Bouits, Jenna Bouma, Sunny Buick, Edu Cerro, Ben Cheese, Matt Clarke, Cloditta, Cassie DeBord, Anita DeJesus. Federica Ferrera, Nick Filth, Camila Fuentes, Gianluca Fusco, Andy Gibson, Jesse Gordon, GORE, Kylie Greene, Chimu Grigio, Marty Lee Hagler, Eran Hamlin, Alexis Hepburn, Horiokie, Matt Hoyme, Dokter Iriezumi, Swasthik Iyengar, Danielle Jeanne, Kasper, Ire Katuless, Jason Kelly, Phil Kyle, David Le Goon, Laura Lonsdale, L Mann, Sheila Marcello, Marlene, Haley McCann, Joel Melrose, Lorena Morato, Michelle Nowhere, Onnie O’Leary, Madi Octavia, Misa Ortego, Candela Pajaro, Melissa Perreault, Julia Pascual, Rodney Raines, David Robinson, Emils Salmins, Leina Sioux, Torbjorn Seeburg Lund, SQUiSHYEYES, Ellen St. Michael, Jesse Swanson, Lucas Tabakov, Zach Taylor, Ben Thomas, Tiger TItz, Kati Vaughn, Alina Vives, Eli Wood, Steve Wood, James Yocum.

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